Insurance Coverage

Injury Policy and Insurance Coverage

All injuries which occur while participating in athletics should be reported to Marc Aceto LAT,ATC,CSCS, the Athletic Trainer, as soon as possible.

If the injury requires medical attention by a doctor or treatment center, it is the athlete’s responsibility to secure an accident form from Mr. Aceto on the next school day.

Mr. Aceto will mail the insurance/accident form to the parent or guardian. Part I of the form will be already filled out except for the very bottom. It is the parent/guardian responsibility to finish completing out Part I and Part II. Any questions please contact Marc Aceto at 203-468-3813 or by email at

Once an athlete is treated by a physician, he/she cannot return back to participation until cleared by that physician with written clearance. Written clearance can only be from a MD, APRN, PA, or a Chiropractor.

All East Haven athletes are covered by an EXCESS INSURANCE POLICY. This means that the student athlete's personal insurance will be applied first. Bills not covered by one’s own insurance, will be paid through the school insurance.

East Haven High School Insurance forms and instructions are located in the forms tab under East Haven High School Athletic Department, if needed.

Thank You!